Beverly Raudales
Chief Program Officer, Comunilife
Dr. Beverly Raudales has been with Comunilife for eight years and currently serves as the Chief Program Officer. In this capacity, she is responsible for the successful operation of all Comunilife housing programs, which include 2,152 units of transitional and permanent apartments in congregate and scattered site settings, the Medical Respite program, as well as the facilities and procurement departments. Dr. Raudales has an MS in Psychology and a medical doctorate in Biomedical Science & Psychiatry – both from the University of New Mexico. She has participated in and co-authored various research studies, including the effects of the Coxiella Burnetti bacteria among farmers and alcoholism among the Hopi tribe. She has been an adjunct professor at Fordham University and serves on numerous boards, commissions, and coalitions throughout New York City. She possesses 20 years of managerial experience in the nonprofit/supportive housing sector and has received various recognitions for her efforts in improving NYC communities.