Wilfred S. Gwaikolo, MPH, MSc
George Washington University
Research Associate
Wilfred Gwaikolo is a public health professional with over 12 years of experience in program management and evaluation. He holds a Master of Science degree in Global Health Policy and Management from Brandeis University in Massachusetts, as well as a Master of Public Health from Cuttington University in Liberia. Wilfred has coordinated several research projects on behavioral health services in LMICs. He worked as the Deputy Program Lead for The Carter Center Mental Health Program in Liberia, assisting the government in strengthening the public mental health care system. The Center works in Liberia to facilitate mental health workforce training, assist the Ministry of Health in implementing national mental health policies, support anti-stigma programming, strengthen civil society organizations, and empower mental health service users and family caregivers. Wilfred has several peer-reviewed articles published in BMC Psychiatry, BMC Health Services, the Journal of Social Science & Medicine, and other scientific journals. He is currently a Research Associate in the Global Mental Health EQUITY Lab at George Washington University School of Medicine.